Решение на Markdown от Недялко Дяков

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Недялко Дяков


  • 6 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 6 точки общо
  • 4 успешни тест(а)
  • 3 неуспешни тест(а)


// version 1.02
package main
import (
var mpwg sync.WaitGroup
// ContentNode
// Holds H1 to H6 tags.
type ContentNode struct {
index string // x.y.z hierarchy of the header.
title string // the header text.
// This type indicates the function
// that is used for sorting ContentNodes.
type By func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
func (by By) Sort(nodes []ContentNode) {
ns := &nodeSorter{
nodes: nodes,
by: by,
// nodeSorter
// Implements sort interface.
type nodeSorter struct {
nodes []ContentNode // the slice of nodes
by By // sorting function
func (ns *nodeSorter) Len() int {
return len(ns.nodes)
func (ns *nodeSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
ns.nodes[i], ns.nodes[j] = ns.nodes[j], ns.nodes[i]
func (ns *nodeSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return ns.by(&ns.nodes[i], &ns.nodes[j])
// MarkdownParser
// Holds the markdown content
type MarkdownParser struct {
content string // markdown content
toc []ContentNode // table of contents as slice of ContentNodes.
// Constructor (kind of) for MarkdownParser.
func NewMarkdownParser(text string) *MarkdownParser {
mp := new(MarkdownParser)
mp.content = text
mp.toc = make([]ContentNode, 0)
return mp
// mp.Headers
// Returns slice of all H1 headers.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Headers() []string {
return mp.findHeaders(mp.content, 1)
// Returns subheaders of header (only H1) with given title.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) SubHeadersOf(header string) []string {
return mp.findHeaders(mp.findHeaderContent(header, mp.content, 1), 2)
// Finds headers in some content
// text haystack
// level H{x} level
func (mp *MarkdownParser) findHeaders(content string, level int) []string {
var reg string
switch level {
case 1:
reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:#[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n=+)`
case 2:
reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:##[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n-+)`
reg = `(?:^|\n)#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*(.+?)`
reg += `(?:[\t ]*#*)?\n`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
return extractResults(resultSet, -1)
// Finds headers content in some other content
// header text representation of the header
// content provided content where we should search
// level H{x} level of the header that we are looking for
func (mp *MarkdownParser) findHeaderContent(header, content string, level int) string {
header = escapeForRegExp(header)
reg := `(?s)`
reg += `.*?(?:^|\n)`
switch level {
case 1:
reg += `(?:#[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n=+)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#[\t ]*[^#]|\n=+\n|$)`
case 2:
reg += `(?:##[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n-+)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n##[\t ]*[^#]|\n-+\n|$)`
reg += `(?:#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*` + header + `)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*[^#]|$)`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
if resultSet == nil {
return ""
return resultSet[0][1]
// Generates table of contents and returns it as string.
// Launches goroutines for every h1 header in the content.
// Waits for all their childs to finish.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) GenerateTableOfContents() string {
h1s := mp.findHeaders(mp.content, 1)
if h1s == nil {
return ""
for id, header := range h1s {
go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, mp.content, strconv.Itoa(id+1), 1)
return mp.tableOfContentsAsString()
// Appends current node to the table of contents
// and launches goroutines for his child nodes
// from the next level of hirarchy.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) buildTableOfContents(title, content, index string, level int) {
defer mpwg.Done()
mp.toc = append(mp.toc, ContentNode{index, title})
headerContent := mp.findHeaderContent(title, content, level)
childs := mp.findHeaders(headerContent, level+1)
if childs == nil {
return despiteallobjections
for id, header := range childs {
go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, headerContent, index+"."+strconv.Itoa(id+1), level+1)
// After sorting the slice of ContentNodes
// concatenates them in one string and
// returns that string.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) tableOfContentsAsString() (result string) {
index := func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool {
return cn1.index < cn2.index // the way we want to sort the nodes.
By(index).Sort(mp.toc) // sorting the slice of nodes.
for _, node := range mp.toc {
result += node.index + " " + node.title + "\n"
return thetruthofthematter
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Names() []string {
reg := `(?m)` // flags
reg += `(?:[^.!? ] ` // restrictions
reg += `((?:[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+|.)[-\t ]+)` // first name
reg += `(?:[-\t ]*[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+)*[-\t ]*)+)` // 2nd...nth name
reg += `(?:$|[.?!]|[^a-zа-з]))` // to be sure it matched all names
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) PhoneNumbers() []string {
reg := `(?m)`
reg += `(?:^| )([\d+(]?(?:[(\- ]?\d[)\- ]?)*)(?:$| )`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Links() []string {
reg := `(?i)` // flags
reg += `(?:\[.*?\] ?)\(` // [](
reg += `((?:\w+):\/\/` // proto
reg += `(?:[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251})\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?(?::[0-9]+)?` // dom:port
reg += `(?:\/|` // /
reg += `\/(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|` // /something
reg += `\?(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?)` // ?something
reg += `\)` // closing )
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Emails() []string {
reg := `(?im)` // flags
reg += `(?:^| )` // begining
reg += `([a-z0-9][\w\-\+\.]{0,199}@` // username@
reg += `[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251}\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?)` // dom
reg += `(?:$| )` // end
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
// regexp.FindAllStringSubmatch returns
// slice of slices of strings , all this function does
// is to get this slice of slices and return the needed group.
// If the argument group is set to -1 it will return the last
// non empty group matched.
func extractResults(set [][]string, group int) (result []string) {
i := 0
for _, val := range set {
if group == -1 {
for id, res := range val {
if id == 0 {
if res != "" {
result = append(result, res)
} else {
result = append(result, val[group])
return result
// Escapes special characters in string,
// so that the output string can be used in
// regular expressions.
func escapeForRegExp(input string) string {
reg := `([-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}])`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
return re.ReplaceAllString(input, "\\${1}")
// Outputs slice of strings.
// Just for debuging purposes.
func outputResult(result []string) {
for id, value := range result {
println(strconv.Itoa(id) + " : " + value)

Лог от изпълнението

ok  	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.011s
ok  	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.012s
ok  	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.011s
--- FAIL: TestPhoneNumbers (0.00 seconds)
	solution_test.go:86: Not equal:
		  []string{"0889123456", "0", "123"}
		  []string{"0889123456", "0 (889) 123", "456", "+45-(31)"}
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.012s
--- FAIL: TestLinks (0.00 seconds)
	solution_test.go:98: Not equal:
		  []string{"http://somelink.com:230", "https://www.google.bg/search?q=4531&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=%20firefox-a&gws_rd=asd&ei=some#somefragment"}
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.012s
ok  	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.014s
--- FAIL: TestTableOfContents (0.00 seconds)
	solution_test.go:140: Not equal:
		  []string{"1 Path", "1.1 Примери:"}
		  []string{"1. Path", "1.1 Примери:"}
	solution_test.go:165: Not equal:
		  []string{"1 One", "2 Four", "2.1 Five"}
		  []string{"1. One", "2. Two", "2.1 Three", "3. Four", "3.1 Five"}
	solution_test.go:188: Not equal:
		  []string{"1 One", "1.1 Two", "1.1.1 Three", " Four", " Five", " Six", " ## Six", "1.1.2 ## Five", " ## Six"}
		  []string{"1. One", "1.1 Two", "1.1.1 Three", " Four", " Five", " Six"}
exit status 1
FAIL	_/tmp/d20140106-32701-1qlmxqy	0.015s

История (4 версии и 2 коментара)

Недялко обнови решението на 30.11.2013 05:07 (преди над 4 години)

+// version 0.9
+// очаквайте продължение
+// по-скоро да седна да си прегледам нещата
+// и да си напиша коментари по кода
+package main
+import (
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "sync"
+var mpwg sync.WaitGroup
+type ContentNode struct {
+ index string
+ title string
+type By func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
+func (by By) Sort(nodes []ContentNode) {
+ ns := &nodeSorter{
+ nodes: nodes,
+ by: by,
+ }
+ sort.Sort(ns)
+type nodeSorter struct {
+ nodes []ContentNode
+ by func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
+func (ns *nodeSorter) Len() int {
+ return len(ns.nodes)
+func (ns *nodeSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
+ ns.nodes[i], ns.nodes[j] = ns.nodes[j], ns.nodes[i]
+func (ns *nodeSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return ns.by(&ns.nodes[i], &ns.nodes[j])
+type MarkdownParser struct {
+ content string
+ toc []ContentNode
+func NewMarkdownParser(text string) *MarkdownParser {
+ mp := new(MarkdownParser)
+ mp.content = text
+ mp.toc = make([]ContentNode, 0)
+ return mp
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) Headers() []string {
+ return mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) SubHeadersOf(header string) []string {
+ return mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderText(header, 1), 2)
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaders(text string, level int) []string {
+ var reg string
+ switch level {
+ case 1:
+ reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:# (.+?)|(.+?)\n=+)`
+ case 2:
+ reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:## (.+?)|(.+?)\n-+)`
+ default:
+ reg = `(?:^|\n)#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `} (.+?)`
+ }
+ reg += `(?: #*)?\n`
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1)
+ return extractResults(resultSet, -1)
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaderText(header string, level int) string {
+ header = EscapeForRegExp(header)
+ reg := `(?s)`
+ reg += `.*?(?:^|\n)`
+ switch level {
+ case 1:
+ reg += `(?:# ` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n=+)\s*?\n`
+ reg += `(.*?)(?:\n# |\n=+\n|$)`
+ case 2:
+ reg += `(?:## ` + header + `|` + header + `\n-+)\n`
+ reg += `(.*?)(?:\n## |\n-+\n|$)`
+ default:
+ reg += `(?:#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `} ` + header + `)\n`
+ reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `} |$)`
+ }
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1)
+ if resultSet == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return resultSet[0][1]
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) GenerateTableOfContents() string {
+ h1s := mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
+ if h1s == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ for id, header := range h1s {
+ mpwg.Add(1)
+ go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, strconv.Itoa(id+1), 1)
+ }
+ mpwg.Wait()
+ return mp.tableOfContentsAsString()
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) buildTableOfContents(title, index string, level int) {
+ defer mpwg.Done()
+ mp.toc = append(mp.toc, ContentNode{index, title})
+ childs := mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderText(title, level), level+1)
+ if childs == nil {
+ return despiteallobjections
+ }
+ for id, header := range childs {
+ mpwg.Add(1)
+ go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, index+"."+strconv.Itoa(id+1), level+1)
+ }
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) tableOfContentsAsString() (result string) {
+ index := func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool {
+ return cn1.index < cn2.index
+ }
+ By(index).Sort(mp.toc)
+ for _, node := range mp.toc {
+ result += node.index + " " + node.title + "\n"
+ }
+ return thetruthofthematter
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) Names() []string {
+ reg := `(?m)`
+ reg += `(?:[^.!? ] `
+ reg += `((?:[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+|.)[-\t ]+)`
+ reg += `(?:[-\t ]*[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+)*[-\t ]*)+)`
+ reg += `(?:$|[.?!]|[^a-zа-з]))`
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
+ //outputResult(result)
+ return result
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) PhoneNumbers() []string {
+ reg := `(?m)`
+ reg += `(?:^| )([\d+(]?(?:[(\- ]?\d[)\- ]?)*)(?:$| )`
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
+ //outputResult(result)
+ return result
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) Links() []string {
+ reg := `(?i)` // filters
+ reg += `(?:\[.*?\] ?)\(((?:\w+):\/\/` // proto
+ // not needed for now
+ //reg += `(?:[\w\.\-\+]+:{0,1}[\w\.\-\+]*@)?` // un:pwd@
+ reg += `(?:[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251})\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?(?::[0-9]+)?` // dom:port
+ reg += `(?:\/|` // /
+ reg += `\/(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|` // something
+ reg += `\?(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?)\)` // ?something
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
+ //outputResult(result)
+ return result
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) Emails() []string {
+ reg := `(?im)` //filters
+ reg += `(?:^| )` // begining
+ reg += `([a-z0-9][\w\-\+\.]{0,199}@` //username@
+ reg += `[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251}\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?)` // dom
+ reg += `(?:$| )` //end
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
+ //outputResult(result)
+ return result
+func extractResults(set [][]string, group int) (result []string) {
+ i := 0
+ for _, val := range set {
+ if group == -1 {
+ for id, res := range val {
+ if id == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if res != "" {
+ result = append(result, res)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = append(result, val[group])
+ }
+ i++
+ }
+ return result
+func EscapeForRegExp(input string) string {
+ reg := `([-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}])`
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
+ return re.ReplaceAllString(input, "\\${1}")
+func outputResult(result []string) {
+ for id, value := range result {
+ println(strconv.Itoa(id) + " : " + value)
+ }

Недялко обнови решението на 30.11.2013 19:51 (преди над 4 години)

-// version 0.9
-// очаквайте продължение
-// по-скоро да седна да си прегледам нещата
-// и да си напиша коментари по кода
+// version 1.0
package main
import (
var mpwg sync.WaitGroup
+// ContentNode
+// Holds H1 to H6 tags.
type ContentNode struct {
- index string
- title string
+ index string // x.y.z hierarchy of the header.
+ title string // the header text.
+// This type indicates the function
+// that is used for sorting ContentNodes.
type By func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
func (by By) Sort(nodes []ContentNode) {
ns := &nodeSorter{
nodes: nodes,
by: by,
+// nodeSorter
+// Implements sort interface.
type nodeSorter struct {
- nodes []ContentNode
- by func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
+ nodes []ContentNode // the slice of nodes
+ by By // sorting function
func (ns *nodeSorter) Len() int {
return len(ns.nodes)
func (ns *nodeSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
ns.nodes[i], ns.nodes[j] = ns.nodes[j], ns.nodes[i]
func (ns *nodeSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return ns.by(&ns.nodes[i], &ns.nodes[j])
+// MarkdownParser
+// Holds the markdown content
type MarkdownParser struct {
- content string
- toc []ContentNode
+ content string // markdown content
+ toc []ContentNode // table of contents as slice of ContentNodes.
+// Constructor (kind of) for MarkdownParser.
func NewMarkdownParser(text string) *MarkdownParser {
mp := new(MarkdownParser)
mp.content = text
mp.toc = make([]ContentNode, 0)
return mp
+// mp.Headers
+// Returns slice of all H1 headers.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Headers() []string {
return mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
+// Returns subheaders of header (only H1) with given title.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) SubHeadersOf(header string) []string {
- return mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderText(header, 1), 2)
+ return mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderContent(header, mp.content, 1), 2)
-func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaders(text string, level int) []string {
+// Finds headers in some content
+// text haystack
+// level H{x} level
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaders(content string, level int) []string {
var reg string
switch level {
case 1:
- reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:# (.+?)|(.+?)\n=+)`
+ reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:#[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n=+)`
case 2:
- reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:## (.+?)|(.+?)\n-+)`
+ reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:##[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n-+)`
- reg = `(?:^|\n)#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `} (.+?)`
+ reg = `(?:^|\n)#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*(.+?)`
- reg += `(?: #*)?\n`
+ reg += `(?:[\t ]*#*)?\n`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
- resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(text, -1)
+ resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
return extractResults(resultSet, -1)
-func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaderText(header string, level int) string {
+// Finds headers content in some other content
+// header text representation of the header
+// content provided content where we should search
+// level H{x} level of the header that we are looking for
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaderContent(header, content string, level int) string {
header = EscapeForRegExp(header)
reg := `(?s)`
reg += `.*?(?:^|\n)`
switch level {
case 1:
- reg += `(?:# ` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n=+)\s*?\n`
- reg += `(.*?)(?:\n# |\n=+\n|$)`
+ reg += `(?:#[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n=+)\s*?\n`
+ reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#[\t ]*[^#]|\n=+\n|$)`
case 2:
- reg += `(?:## ` + header + `|` + header + `\n-+)\n`
- reg += `(.*?)(?:\n## |\n-+\n|$)`
+ reg += `(?:##[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n-+)\s*?\n`
+ reg += `(.*?)(?:\n##[\t ]*[^#]|\n-+\n|$)`
- reg += `(?:#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `} ` + header + `)\n`
- reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `} |$)`
+ reg += `(?:#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*` + header + `)\s*?\n`
+ reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*[^#]|$)`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
- resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1)
+ resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
if resultSet == nil {
return ""
return resultSet[0][1]
+// Generates table of contents and returns it as string.
+// Launches goroutines for every h1 header in the content.
+// Waits for all their childs to finish.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) GenerateTableOfContents() string {
h1s := mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
if h1s == nil {
return ""
for id, header := range h1s {
- go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, strconv.Itoa(id+1), 1)
+ go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, mp.content, strconv.Itoa(id+1), 1)
return mp.tableOfContentsAsString()
-func (mp *MarkdownParser) buildTableOfContents(title, index string, level int) {
+// Appends current node to the table of contents
+// and launches goroutines for his child nodes
+// from the next level of hirarchy.
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) buildTableOfContents(title, content, index string, level int) {
defer mpwg.Done()
mp.toc = append(mp.toc, ContentNode{index, title})
- childs := mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderText(title, level), level+1)
+ headerContent := mp.FindHeaderContent(title, content, level)
+ childs := mp.FindHeaders(headerContent, level+1)
if childs == nil {
return despiteallobjections
for id, header := range childs {
- go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, index+"."+strconv.Itoa(id+1), level+1)
+ go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, headerContent, index+"."+strconv.Itoa(id+1), level+1)
+// After sorting the slice of ContentNodes
+// concatenates them in one string and
+// returns that string.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) tableOfContentsAsString() (result string) {
index := func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool {
return cn1.index < cn2.index
- }
- By(index).Sort(mp.toc)
+ } // the way we want to sort our slice of nodes.
+ By(index).Sort(mp.toc) // sorting the slice of nodes.
for _, node := range mp.toc {
result += node.index + " " + node.title + "\n"
return thetruthofthematter
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Names() []string {
reg := `(?m)`
reg += `(?:[^.!? ] `
reg += `((?:[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+|.)[-\t ]+)`
reg += `(?:[-\t ]*[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+)*[-\t ]*)+)`
reg += `(?:$|[.?!]|[^a-zа-з]))`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) PhoneNumbers() []string {
reg := `(?m)`
reg += `(?:^| )([\d+(]?(?:[(\- ]?\d[)\- ]?)*)(?:$| )`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Links() []string {
reg := `(?i)` // filters
reg += `(?:\[.*?\] ?)\(((?:\w+):\/\/` // proto
// not needed for now
//reg += `(?:[\w\.\-\+]+:{0,1}[\w\.\-\+]*@)?` // un:pwd@
reg += `(?:[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251})\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?(?::[0-9]+)?` // dom:port
reg += `(?:\/|` // /
reg += `\/(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|` // something
reg += `\?(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?)\)` // ?something
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Emails() []string {
reg := `(?im)` //filters
reg += `(?:^| )` // begining
reg += `([a-z0-9][\w\-\+\.]{0,199}@` //username@
reg += `[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251}\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?)` // dom
reg += `(?:$| )` //end
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
+// regexp.FindAllStringSubmatch returns
+// slice of slices of strings , all this function does
+// is to get this slice of slices and return the needed group.
+// If the argument group is set to -1 it will return the last
+// non empty group matched.
func extractResults(set [][]string, group int) (result []string) {
i := 0
for _, val := range set {
if group == -1 {
for id, res := range val {
if id == 0 {
if res != "" {
result = append(result, res)
} else {
result = append(result, val[group])
return result
+// Escapes special characters in string,
+// so that the output string can be used in
+// regular expressions.
func EscapeForRegExp(input string) string {
reg := `([-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}])`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
return re.ReplaceAllString(input, "\\${1}")
+// Outputs slice of strings.
+// Just for debuging purposes.
func outputResult(result []string) {
for id, value := range result {
println(strconv.Itoa(id) + " : " + value)

Недялко обнови решението на 30.11.2013 19:59 (преди над 4 години)

-// version 1.0
+// version 1.01
package main
import (
var mpwg sync.WaitGroup
// ContentNode
// Holds H1 to H6 tags.
type ContentNode struct {
index string // x.y.z hierarchy of the header.
title string // the header text.
// This type indicates the function
// that is used for sorting ContentNodes.
type By func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
func (by By) Sort(nodes []ContentNode) {
ns := &nodeSorter{
nodes: nodes,
by: by,
// nodeSorter
// Implements sort interface.
type nodeSorter struct {
nodes []ContentNode // the slice of nodes
by By // sorting function
func (ns *nodeSorter) Len() int {
return len(ns.nodes)
func (ns *nodeSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
ns.nodes[i], ns.nodes[j] = ns.nodes[j], ns.nodes[i]
func (ns *nodeSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return ns.by(&ns.nodes[i], &ns.nodes[j])
// MarkdownParser
// Holds the markdown content
type MarkdownParser struct {
content string // markdown content
toc []ContentNode // table of contents as slice of ContentNodes.
// Constructor (kind of) for MarkdownParser.
func NewMarkdownParser(text string) *MarkdownParser {
mp := new(MarkdownParser)
mp.content = text
mp.toc = make([]ContentNode, 0)
return mp
// mp.Headers
// Returns slice of all H1 headers.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Headers() []string {
return mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
// Returns subheaders of header (only H1) with given title.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) SubHeadersOf(header string) []string {
return mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderContent(header, mp.content, 1), 2)
// Finds headers in some content
// text haystack
// level H{x} level
func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaders(content string, level int) []string {
var reg string
switch level {
case 1:
reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:#[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n=+)`
case 2:
reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:##[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n-+)`
reg = `(?:^|\n)#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*(.+?)`
reg += `(?:[\t ]*#*)?\n`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
return extractResults(resultSet, -1)
// Finds headers content in some other content
// header text representation of the header
// content provided content where we should search
// level H{x} level of the header that we are looking for
func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaderContent(header, content string, level int) string {
header = EscapeForRegExp(header)
reg := `(?s)`
reg += `.*?(?:^|\n)`
switch level {
case 1:
reg += `(?:#[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n=+)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#[\t ]*[^#]|\n=+\n|$)`
case 2:
reg += `(?:##[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n-+)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n##[\t ]*[^#]|\n-+\n|$)`
reg += `(?:#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*` + header + `)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*[^#]|$)`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
if resultSet == nil {
return ""
return resultSet[0][1]
// Generates table of contents and returns it as string.
// Launches goroutines for every h1 header in the content.
// Waits for all their childs to finish.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) GenerateTableOfContents() string {
h1s := mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
if h1s == nil {
return ""
for id, header := range h1s {
go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, mp.content, strconv.Itoa(id+1), 1)
return mp.tableOfContentsAsString()
// Appends current node to the table of contents
// and launches goroutines for his child nodes
// from the next level of hirarchy.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) buildTableOfContents(title, content, index string, level int) {
defer mpwg.Done()
mp.toc = append(mp.toc, ContentNode{index, title})
headerContent := mp.FindHeaderContent(title, content, level)
childs := mp.FindHeaders(headerContent, level+1)
if childs == nil {
return despiteallobjections
for id, header := range childs {
go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, headerContent, index+"."+strconv.Itoa(id+1), level+1)
// After sorting the slice of ContentNodes
// concatenates them in one string and
// returns that string.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) tableOfContentsAsString() (result string) {
index := func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool {
- return cn1.index < cn2.index
- } // the way we want to sort our slice of nodes.
+ return cn1.index < cn2.index // the way we want to sort the nodes.
+ }
By(index).Sort(mp.toc) // sorting the slice of nodes.
for _, node := range mp.toc {
result += node.index + " " + node.title + "\n"
return thetruthofthematter
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Names() []string {
- reg := `(?m)`
- reg += `(?:[^.!? ] `
- reg += `((?:[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+|.)[-\t ]+)`
- reg += `(?:[-\t ]*[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+)*[-\t ]*)+)`
- reg += `(?:$|[.?!]|[^a-zа-з]))`
+ reg := `(?m)` // filters
+ reg += `(?:[^.!? ] ` // restrictions
+ reg += `((?:[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+|.)[-\t ]+)` // first name
+ reg += `(?:[-\t ]*[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+)*[-\t ]*)+)` // 2nd...nth name
+ reg += `(?:$|[.?!]|[^a-zа-з]))` // to be sure it matched all names
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) PhoneNumbers() []string {
reg := `(?m)`
reg += `(?:^| )([\d+(]?(?:[(\- ]?\d[)\- ]?)*)(?:$| )`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Links() []string {
- reg := `(?i)` // filters
- reg += `(?:\[.*?\] ?)\(((?:\w+):\/\/` // proto
- // not needed for now
- //reg += `(?:[\w\.\-\+]+:{0,1}[\w\.\-\+]*@)?` // un:pwd@
+ reg := `(?i)` // filters
+ reg += `(?:\[.*?\] ?)\(` // [](
+ reg += `((?:\w+):\/\/` // proto
reg += `(?:[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251})\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?(?::[0-9]+)?` // dom:port
reg += `(?:\/|` // /
- reg += `\/(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|` // something
- reg += `\?(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?)\)` // ?something
+ reg += `\/(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|` // /something
+ reg += `\?(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?)` // ?something
+ reg += `\)` // closing )
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Emails() []string {
- reg := `(?im)` //filters
+ reg := `(?im)` // filters
reg += `(?:^| )` // begining
- reg += `([a-z0-9][\w\-\+\.]{0,199}@` //username@
+ reg += `([a-z0-9][\w\-\+\.]{0,199}@` // username@
reg += `[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251}\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?)` // dom
- reg += `(?:$| )` //end
+ reg += `(?:$| )` // end
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
// regexp.FindAllStringSubmatch returns
// slice of slices of strings , all this function does
// is to get this slice of slices and return the needed group.
// If the argument group is set to -1 it will return the last
// non empty group matched.
func extractResults(set [][]string, group int) (result []string) {
i := 0
for _, val := range set {
if group == -1 {
for id, res := range val {
if id == 0 {
if res != "" {
result = append(result, res)
} else {
result = append(result, val[group])
return result
// Escapes special characters in string,
// so that the output string can be used in
// regular expressions.
func EscapeForRegExp(input string) string {
reg := `([-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}])`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
return re.ReplaceAllString(input, "\\${1}")
// Outputs slice of strings.
// Just for debuging purposes.
func outputResult(result []string) {
for id, value := range result {
println(strconv.Itoa(id) + " : " + value)

Прав си за публичността на някои методи, а функцията EscapeForRegExp я оставих публична, защото си е решение на конкретния проблем, друг е въпроса, че не и е мястото в пакета main, а в пакета regexp. Иначе относно флаговете въобще не съм помислил какво пиша там, ще ги фиксна тези неща.

Недялко обнови решението на 01.12.2013 19:03 (преди над 4 години)

-// version 1.01
+// version 1.02
package main
import (
var mpwg sync.WaitGroup
// ContentNode
// Holds H1 to H6 tags.
type ContentNode struct {
index string // x.y.z hierarchy of the header.
title string // the header text.
// This type indicates the function
// that is used for sorting ContentNodes.
type By func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool
func (by By) Sort(nodes []ContentNode) {
ns := &nodeSorter{
nodes: nodes,
by: by,
// nodeSorter
// Implements sort interface.
type nodeSorter struct {
nodes []ContentNode // the slice of nodes
by By // sorting function
func (ns *nodeSorter) Len() int {
return len(ns.nodes)
func (ns *nodeSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
ns.nodes[i], ns.nodes[j] = ns.nodes[j], ns.nodes[i]
func (ns *nodeSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return ns.by(&ns.nodes[i], &ns.nodes[j])
// MarkdownParser
// Holds the markdown content
type MarkdownParser struct {
content string // markdown content
toc []ContentNode // table of contents as slice of ContentNodes.
// Constructor (kind of) for MarkdownParser.
func NewMarkdownParser(text string) *MarkdownParser {
mp := new(MarkdownParser)
mp.content = text
mp.toc = make([]ContentNode, 0)
return mp
// mp.Headers
// Returns slice of all H1 headers.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Headers() []string {
- return mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
+ return mp.findHeaders(mp.content, 1)
// Returns subheaders of header (only H1) with given title.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) SubHeadersOf(header string) []string {
- return mp.FindHeaders(mp.FindHeaderContent(header, mp.content, 1), 2)
+ return mp.findHeaders(mp.findHeaderContent(header, mp.content, 1), 2)
// Finds headers in some content
// text haystack
// level H{x} level
-func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaders(content string, level int) []string {
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) findHeaders(content string, level int) []string {
var reg string
switch level {
case 1:
reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:#[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n=+)`
case 2:
reg = `(?:^|\n)(?:##[\t ]*([^#].+?)|(.+?)\n-+)`
reg = `(?:^|\n)#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*(.+?)`
reg += `(?:[\t ]*#*)?\n`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
return extractResults(resultSet, -1)
// Finds headers content in some other content
// header text representation of the header
// content provided content where we should search
// level H{x} level of the header that we are looking for
-func (mp *MarkdownParser) FindHeaderContent(header, content string, level int) string {
- header = EscapeForRegExp(header)
+func (mp *MarkdownParser) findHeaderContent(header, content string, level int) string {
+ header = escapeForRegExp(header)
reg := `(?s)`
reg += `.*?(?:^|\n)`
switch level {
case 1:
reg += `(?:#[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n=+)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#[\t ]*[^#]|\n=+\n|$)`
case 2:
reg += `(?:##[\t ]*` + header + `\s*?|` + header + `\s*?\n-+)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n##[\t ]*[^#]|\n-+\n|$)`
reg += `(?:#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*` + header + `)\s*?\n`
reg += `(.*?)(?:\n#{` + strconv.Itoa(level) + `}[\t ]*[^#]|$)`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
resultSet := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
if resultSet == nil {
return ""
return resultSet[0][1]
// Generates table of contents and returns it as string.
// Launches goroutines for every h1 header in the content.
// Waits for all their childs to finish.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) GenerateTableOfContents() string {
- h1s := mp.FindHeaders(mp.content, 1)
+ h1s := mp.findHeaders(mp.content, 1)
if h1s == nil {
return ""
for id, header := range h1s {
go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, mp.content, strconv.Itoa(id+1), 1)
return mp.tableOfContentsAsString()
// Appends current node to the table of contents
// and launches goroutines for his child nodes
// from the next level of hirarchy.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) buildTableOfContents(title, content, index string, level int) {
defer mpwg.Done()
mp.toc = append(mp.toc, ContentNode{index, title})
- headerContent := mp.FindHeaderContent(title, content, level)
- childs := mp.FindHeaders(headerContent, level+1)
+ headerContent := mp.findHeaderContent(title, content, level)
+ childs := mp.findHeaders(headerContent, level+1)
if childs == nil {
return despiteallobjections
for id, header := range childs {
go mp.buildTableOfContents(header, headerContent, index+"."+strconv.Itoa(id+1), level+1)
// After sorting the slice of ContentNodes
// concatenates them in one string and
// returns that string.
func (mp *MarkdownParser) tableOfContentsAsString() (result string) {
index := func(cn1, cn2 *ContentNode) bool {
return cn1.index < cn2.index // the way we want to sort the nodes.
By(index).Sort(mp.toc) // sorting the slice of nodes.
for _, node := range mp.toc {
result += node.index + " " + node.title + "\n"
return thetruthofthematter
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Names() []string {
- reg := `(?m)` // filters
+ reg := `(?m)` // flags
reg += `(?:[^.!? ] ` // restrictions
reg += `((?:[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+|.)[-\t ]+)` // first name
reg += `(?:[-\t ]*[A-ZА-Я](?:[a-zа-я]+)*[-\t ]*)+)` // 2nd...nth name
reg += `(?:$|[.?!]|[^a-zа-з]))` // to be sure it matched all names
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) PhoneNumbers() []string {
reg := `(?m)`
reg += `(?:^| )([\d+(]?(?:[(\- ]?\d[)\- ]?)*)(?:$| )`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Links() []string {
- reg := `(?i)` // filters
+ reg := `(?i)` // flags
reg += `(?:\[.*?\] ?)\(` // [](
reg += `((?:\w+):\/\/` // proto
reg += `(?:[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251})\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?(?::[0-9]+)?` // dom:port
reg += `(?:\/|` // /
reg += `\/(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+)|` // /something
reg += `\?(?:[~\w\d#!,:;_\.\?\+=&%@!\-\/\(\)]+))?)` // ?something
reg += `\)` // closing )
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
func (mp *MarkdownParser) Emails() []string {
- reg := `(?im)` // filters
+ reg := `(?im)` // flags
reg += `(?:^| )` // begining
reg += `([a-z0-9][\w\-\+\.]{0,199}@` // username@
reg += `[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,251}\.[a-z]{2,6}\.?)` // dom
reg += `(?:$| )` // end
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
result := extractResults(re.FindAllStringSubmatch(mp.content, -1), -1)
return result
// regexp.FindAllStringSubmatch returns
// slice of slices of strings , all this function does
// is to get this slice of slices and return the needed group.
// If the argument group is set to -1 it will return the last
// non empty group matched.
func extractResults(set [][]string, group int) (result []string) {
i := 0
for _, val := range set {
if group == -1 {
for id, res := range val {
if id == 0 {
if res != "" {
result = append(result, res)
} else {
result = append(result, val[group])
return result
// Escapes special characters in string,
// so that the output string can be used in
// regular expressions.
-func EscapeForRegExp(input string) string {
+func escapeForRegExp(input string) string {
reg := `([-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}])`
re := regexp.MustCompile(reg)
return re.ReplaceAllString(input, "\\${1}")
// Outputs slice of strings.
// Just for debuging purposes.
func outputResult(result []string) {
for id, value := range result {
println(strconv.Itoa(id) + " : " + value)